Qualified Surveyors

and lawyers on particular technical, legal and commercial problems.


response capacity 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Quickest Response

to any kind of personal injury.

Pandi Nave: Protection & Indemnity Correspondents in Mexico

With headquarters in Mexico City, Pandi Nave deals with both commercial and legal matters, and has an established team of competent and reliable local surveyors at every major Mexican port.

Pandi Nave is also in a position to identify and to recommend the appointment of the most suitable expert(s) from a wide range of independent, qualified surveyors and lawyers on particular technical, legal and commercial problems.

Pandi Nave is also correspondent of H&M insurers and reinsurers and acts as Adjustors and Consultants.

Pandi Nave S.A de C.V. was established in the late 80s to provide P&I Clubs and their members with the highest level of service by a team of qualified people with a deep knowledge and understanding of Protection & Indemnity and long-standing experience in this field.

Emergency Phone

+(52 55) 1675 6408

P&I Correspondent for:

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